Downloaded file installerlinux.tar.gz from web site
copied file to Ubuntu Server administrator's home folder, subfolder ihtml
extracted the contents of the file:
tar -zxvf installerlinux.tar.gz
sudo su
cd installer
Installed unix odbc driver:
apt-get install unixodbc
Installed libssl:
apt-get install libssl-dev
2/11/2013 - Was not able to get ihtml installer to run all the way through, so after asking for help on the ihtml mailing list, received the necessary files in a zip.
Unzipped the files to /usr/ihtml
Added license info to file located here:
Added a section to apache config file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
DirectoryIndex index.php index.ihtml index.html index.htm # iHTML Module
AddType text/ihtml .ihtml
AddHandler ihtml-handler .ihtml .inc
LoadModule ihtml_module /usr/ihtml/
Attempted to restart apache:
service apache2 restart
It complained about a missing library:
More Googling.. found forum post that said do this:
apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev
which downloaded 28.7 MB of files. After that restarted apache2, successfully started this time.